DOT/UN Testing and Classification
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DOT/UN Testing and Classification

Department of Transportation (DOT)/United Nations (UN) Testing and Classification

, unimpeded and unstripped
of wha t little they had. How for
tunate were these
people to have e

scaped the attentions of the Spanish with their shining armor, pointed lances and firearms. Otherwise, these poor Indians might have found themselves without adequate clothing and food for the approaching winter of 1541-1542 as did the Indians at Tiguex. But the passing of that second uneventful winter by disheartened and spirit-broken Spanish soldiers ended a chapter which was never to be forgotten by

the other little pueblo dwellUN/DOT observerers. In the spring of 1542, the remnants of the Spanish were gathered together and the return to Mexico was begun. ThiUS DOTs must have been a day of rejoicing for the Indians at Tiguex. They had experienced a great deal. Murder, insincerity on the part of the Spanish, and vio

lation of their living standards w/EMRTCere just a few of th