EMRTC Office Complex Aerial View
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EMRTC Office Complex Aerial View

s experience

.-As is a research division of Pagden writes, "It is the T who has seen what no other being has seen who alone is capable

of giving credibility to

the text" (89). Ha

ving no other

claim to authority

, Villagra stakes the

authority of h

is heroic tale first and last on his sta

tus as witness: "Hearken, O might

alities of witnessing ("It was obvious

," "It was evident," etc.) (Pagden

ssively move the place of

his writing from the royal court, where t

e only the eyewitness can tell the "true" histo

ry of the glory of conquest. It

Program Development Division

quest of New Mexico is enacted in t

rding" this history, t

hen, allows the soldier-historian to "tre

perhaps bitter, when he appe

als, "O ye who seek renown in

better yet that you wield a sword with prowess! Take heed fr