Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings (IRTB) Course
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Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings (IRTB) Course

ent California movie company which later merged with Warner Broth

ers. It was the Silver Ci
ty Reduction Wo
rks, the pride of
Silver City and which fro a
brief time was
a boon to the eco    Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to View
nomy, making mini

ng in the Grant County pos

depressed coppe

the Hearst

family, and later

the Comanche Co. Savannah made some improvement at the plan, and the smelter could allegedly handle between 250 and 300 tons or ore per day. Li

decessor to the Daily Press - had this to say in 1908: "The main ore supply will be drawn from the company's mines, but custom ore will be purchased and fair and square treatment accorded the miner," it said. The whole operation - like the narrow-gauge railroad - never really panned out. The operation was idle for several years until 1913. Then, Romaine Fielding and the Lubin Motion Picture Company came to town, and the a

bandoned sm

elter caught the d    Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to View

irector's eye.

"Sundy was a thrilling day fo

r the Silver City people," said the Independent that year. "The Lubin Co. enacted a drama at the smelter below town, blew up the narrow gauge railroad bridge and two large w

ock labor riot at the smelter and 200 actors rushed up the hill behind th

e smelter © 2001-2011 New Mexico Tech and set fire to the water